
refund_status's mode

There's two mode for order's refund_status: customize and general. If there's no refund issued, order's refund_status is null.

How to issue a customize type partial refund?
create a partial refund with price only params.

How to issue a general type partial refund?
create a partial refund with line_items only params.

while calling this API, you should choose either refunded with price or refunded line_items, but not both!

once you issue a partial refund with price only, the refund_status will assigned as customize, and you can't issue partial refund with line_items anymore.
if you issue a partial refund with line_items only, the refund_status will assigned as general, and you can issue line_items partial refund later on again, or price type partial refund as well, but once you issue a price one, this order's refund_status will change from general to customize, and can't be rollback anymore.

Noted on this API:

  • while refund by line_items, refunded amount is calculated automatically based on refunded items:
refunded amount = product's sales price x refund quantity - pro-rated refundable discount amount x refund quantity + pro-rated refundable tax x refund quantity
  • if you refund by line_items, refund quantity can not exceed line items's remain refundable quantity.
  • if you refund by price, price params can't exceed current refundable amount.
  • if you need to return the fulfillments, please specify is_return as true.
  • shipping fee is refunded while the last line_items is refunded.
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