
Private Beta

This is a private beta version of Shoplazza's Payments Apps APIs. The documentation will be updated as we introduce new features. For access to this beta, please review the process of building a payments app and having it approved by Shoplazza Review Team.

Payment apps are public apps that integrate with the Shoplazza to provide payment processing services. Only approved partners will be able to build payment apps on Shoplazza's Payment Platform.

Using a payment app, merchants can redirect buyers to an app-hosted page for payment processing, which may include the following payment methods:

  • Wallets
  • Buy Now Pay Later / Installments / Buyer Financing
  • Cards
  • Bank Transfers / Online Banking
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Cash + ATM

The payment methods support the following operations:

  • Charge: Partners can collect a buyer's payment information and charge them for their purchase
  • Refund: Merchants can trigger a refund from their Store Admin
  • Authorize: Merchants can place a hold that can be charged at a later time
  • Capture: Merchants can charge the amount previously specified via an authorization
  • Void: Merchants can cancel a previously authorized amount

Merchants decide whether they prefer to capture funds at the time of purchase or at the time of fulfillment.

Payment App requirements

The following list of requirements includes the minimum product requirements required for building payments apps. If you fail to adhere to these requirements, then Shoplazza can remove your app from the public list of payment gateways, suspend access to the payments ecosystem, terminate participation in the payments ecosystem, or take any other action deemed necessary.

Partners building payments apps need to consider the following requirements:

  • Merchant discovery - For a payments app to appear on Shoplazza public list of payment gateways, the payments app must be used by at least 50 Shoplazza stores and must have processed over $1,000,000 USD. After this condition is met, payments partners can apply to Shoplazza to have their payments app included in the list of payment gateways in the Shoplazza admin. Shoplazza will review and determine at its sole discretion whether the payments app is approved for public listing.

  • Approval process required - To make sure merchants can present a positive buyer experience, any app configurations must be approved by Shoplazza. All apps must also be approved before merchants can install them.

  • Minimum product requirements - Payment App must adhere to technical requirements and provide a high-quality merchant experience as described in the minimum product requirements.

Minimum product requirements

Feature requirements

Payments apps have the following feature requirements:

  • They need to implement the ability for a merchant to charge, refund, and process test transactions.
  • They need to be 3DS compliance if they're processing credit card payments in specific countries.

Technical requirements

  • Idempotency: To provide a consistent customer experience, payments apps must implement idempotency.
  • Retry policy: In case of network errors, payments apps must retry their requests according to the retry policy.
  • Mutual TLS (mTLS): Authentication must be implemented to guarantee that traffic is secure and trusted in both directions between Shoplazza and your payments app. This authentication allows your app to confirm if an upstream request has originated from Shoplazza.
  • Rate limiting: Your app's OpenAPI requests are rate limited according to the rate limiting guidelines.
  • API Versioning: Partners must implement a supported version of Shoplazza's Payments Apps APIs. Partners can configure the API version that their payments app will use to receive requests from Shoplazza. Partners must use the same API version for sending requests. API versions are updated in accordance with Shoplazza's general API versioning timelines.
  • 3-D Secure: If you offer credit card payment methods in a country where 3-D Secure authentication is mandated, then you must support 3-D Secure authentication.

Merchant experience requirements

  • Payment Apps must at a minimum be operational and available on a 24x7 basis at least 99.95% of the time in any measurement period
  • In the event of outages or issues, partners must respond within 2 hours
  • Payment Apps must provide servicing support to all merchants