
Requires read_cart_transform access scope.

This Cart Transform Function List retrieves the current function bound to the cart price adjustment process in a store. It can be used for monitoring and debugging.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters


Public Response Parameters

Successful Response

codestringYesResponse status code, "SUCCESS" if successful
messagestringYesResponse message, "SUCCESS" if successful
dataobjectYesContains response data
countuint64YesTotal number of records
cart-transformsarray of objectYesList of cart-transform bindings

CartTransform Object

idstringYesUnique identifier for the cart price adjustment function
function_idstringYesThe function ID linked to the cart price adjustment
block_on_failureobjectYesDetermines whether the failure of the function should block the cart and checkout process

Error Response

codestringThe error code indicating the type of issue.InvalidParameter
messagestringA detailed message describing the error.wrong cursor
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