The Get Function Details API allows to retrieve a list of registered functions in Shoplazza server. It supports pagination for efficient querying.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Query Parameters

pageintNoThe page number to retrieve.1
limitintNoThe number of records per page.20

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters


Public Response Parameters

Successful Response

Response Fields

codestringYesAPI response code. SUCCESS means successful execution.SUCCESS
messagestringYesResponse message. SUCCESS indicates a successful response.SUCCESS
dataobjectYesContains function details.{...}
data.totalintYesTotal number of functions.2
data.functionsarrayYesA list of registered functions.[...]

Function Object Fields

function_idintYesFunction ID.1
namespacestringYesFunction namespace.cart-transform
namestringYesFunction name.cart-discount
input_schemastringYesJSON schema defining function input."{\"cart\": {\"lines\": [...]}}"
source_codestringYesThe function source code."function run() {...}"
created_atstringYesFunction creation timestamp (UTC).2023-06-29 21:16:48
updated_atstringYesLast updated timestamp (UTC).2023-06-30 10:27:23
versionstringYesFunction version.v1.0.1

Error Response

codestringThe error code indicating the type of issue.InvalidParameter
messagestringA detailed message describing the error.wrong cursor
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