
Requires order access scope. For more info , refer to:access scope

Fulfillment API provide information like tracking number, tracking company or status, and related management APIs like create / update fulfillment with ease.

Domain Model Diagram

Available APIs:

Fulfillment Management:
Manage fulfillment operations related to orders in the store. These APIs allow merchants to create, retrieve, and update fulfillment records.

  • Create Fulfillment: Create a new fulfillment for an order.
  • Fulfillment List: Retrieve a list of fulfillments for a specific order.
  • Fulfillment Details: Retrieve detailed information about a specific fulfillment.
  • Update Fulfillment: Modify an existing fulfillment record.
  • Complete Fulfillment: Mark a fulfillment as completed.
  • Cancel Fulfillment: Cancel an existing fulfillment.

Tracking Management:
Track shipping information and manage tracking details for orders.

  • List Tracking Codes: Retrieve a list of tracking codes.
  • Tracking Company Code: Manage tracking company details related to fulfillment.

Carrier Service API

The Carrier Service APIs enable developers to manage carrier services within authenticated stores. These APIs facilitate the integration and management of third-party shipping providers.

Available APIs:

Carrier Service Management:
Handle operations related to carrier services in the store. These APIs allow merchants to configure and update shipping services.

  • Create CarrierService: Add a new carrier service for the store.
  • Update CarrierService: Update the details of an existing carrier service.
  • Get CarrierService Detail: Retrieve detailed information about a specific carrier service.
  • Get CarrierService List: Retrieve a list of all carrier services available in the store.
  • Delete CarrierService: Remove an unnecessary carrier service from the store.


All date-time related parameters must follow the ISO-8601 format in UTC time zone.



All date time related parameters require ISO-8601 format in UTC time zone.