
Requires order access scope.


Order Properties

OrderidstringUnique identifier for the order.
numberstring Order number, intended to simplify merchant references.
notestringA custom note input by the merchant regarding the order.
statusstringThe current Order status
financial_statusstringIndicates the payment status of the order
fulfillment_statusstringRepresents the shipping or fulfillment progress of the order
email_statusstringThe status of recall emails for the order.
waiting means “pending to send”
send means “sent”
cancel_reasonstring Reason for order cancellation, if applicable.
recovery_statusstringThe recovery_status field tracks the progress of an order recall process
waiting means “Waiting to be recalled”
sending means “Recall notification in progress”
recalling means “Recall in progress)”
failed means “Recall failed)”
success means “Recall successful)”
payment_methodstringThe payment method used for the order (e.g., apple_pay, credit_card, online).
discount_applicationsstringDetails of discounts
customer_notestringA note provided by the customer during checkout.
buyer_accepts_marketingbool Indicates whether the customer has agreed to receive marketing promotions.
currencystring Currency code for the order
total_pricestringThe final price paid by the customer, including taxes, discounts, tips, additional fee and shipping fees.
sub_totalstringThe sum of the prices for all line items in the order.

- If order.config.product_tax_included is true, the amount includes total_tax (excluding shipping_tax_total); otherwise, it excludes tax.
- Formula: sub_total = sum(line_item.price * line_item.quantity).
total_discountstringTotal amount of discounts applied to the order, including product, shipping, and payment discounts.
total_taxstringTotal tax amount applied to the products in the order, excluding shipping tax.
total_shippingstringTotal shipping fee for the order.
code_discount_totalstringTotal discount from discount codes applied to the order.
line_item_discount_totalstring@Deprecated.total Product discount, numeric string, for example: "9.99",includes code_discount_total
gift_card_totalstringGift card discount amount, numeric string, for example: "9.99"
total_refund_pricestringTotal refund amount has been successfully processed, numeric string, for example: "9.99"
total_refund_discountstring@Deprecated.Total discount refunded, numeric string, for example: "9.99"
additional_totalstringTotal amount of additional charges, numeric string, for example: "9.99"
addtional_pricesarray of objectThis field is typically used for shipping insurance.
addtional_prices.namestringName of the shipping Insurance, e.g. "sp".
addtional_prices.pricestringAmount of the additional charge.
shipping_tax_totalstringTotal shipping tax amount of the order.
customer_deleted_atstringTimestamp indicating when the customer associated with the order was deleted.
created_atstringTimestamp indicating when the order was created.
updated_atstringTimestamp indicating when the order was updated.
deleted_atstringTimestamp indicating when the order was deleted.
canceled_atstringTimestamp indicating when the order was canceled.
placed_atstringTimestamp indicating when the order was paid.
total_tip_receivedstringTotal amount of tips received for the order.
tagsstring Custom tags added to the order by merchants or the system.
browser_ipstring@Deprecated. IP address of the customer who placed the order.
last_landing_urlstring@Deprecated. URL of the last page visited by the customer before checkout.
total_paidstringTotal amount paid by the customer for the order.
sourcestring@Deprecated.Product source url
source_nameobject@Deprecated. Product source
source_name.datastring@Deprecated. Product source
source_name.created_atstring@Deprecated. Timestamp of the creation
last_referrer_showobject@Deprecated. Last interaction source
last_referrer_show.datastring@Deprecated. Interaction source data.
last_referrer_show.created_atstring@Deprecated. Timestamp of the last interaction.
shipping_lineobjectInformation about the shipping plan selected for the order.
shipping_line.namestringName of the shipping plan.
customerCustomerCustomer details
shipping_addressAddressDelivery address
billing_addressAddressBilling address
payment_linePaymentLinePayment details
line_itemsarray of LineItemList of purchased products
fulfillmentsarray of FulfillmentList of fulfillments
logistics_codestringLogistics code
refer_infostringVisit information
configOrderConfigOrder configuration information
sales_platformstring@Deprecated. Platform where the order was placed
checkout_urlstringThe checkout page url for the order with storeDomain
location_lineLocationLineMerchant's warehouse address.
invoice_urlstringThe checkout page url for the order without storeDomain

LineItem( product)

idstringUnique identifier for the line item.
product_idstringUnique identifier for the product associated with this line item.
variant_idstringUnique identifier for the specific variant of the product.
product_titlestringThe name of the product purchased.
product_handlestring@Deprecated. The SEO-friendly link (handle) for the product, used in URLs.
variant_titlestringThe title of the product variant (e.g., "Blue, Size M").
quantityintegerThe number of units of this product purchased.
notestringA note related to the product in this line item, added by the merchant or customer.
fulfillment_statusstringThe fulfillment status of this line item (e.g., fulfilled, unfulfilled). See Fulfillment Status.
skustringStock Keeping Unit (SKU) for the product variant, used for inventory tracking.
weightstringWeight of the product.
weight_unitstringUnit of measurement for the product weight (e.g., kg, lbs).
vendorstringThe vendor or supplier of the product.
product_urlstringThe URL of the product page for customers.
compare_at_pricestringThe original price of the product before discounts (if applicable).
imagestringThe URL of the image associated with the product variant.
pricestringPrice per unit of the product, as a numeric string (e.g., "9.99").
totalstringTotal cost for this line item, calculated as price × quantity.
propertiesarray of objectsAdditional properties or options associated with the product variant.
properties.namestringName of the property or option (e.g., Size).
properties.valuestringValue of the property or option (e.g., Medium).
custom_propertiesmap[string]stringCustom attributes or metadata added to this line item by the merchant.
refund_quantityinteger@Deprecated. Previously used to indicate refunded quantity for this line item.
refund_totalstring@Deprecated. Previously used to indicate the total refund amount for this line item.
requires_shippingbooleanIndicates whether this line item requires shipping (true or false).
discount_applicationsintegerNumber of discounts applied to the shipping for this line item.


payment_channelstringThe payment channel used for the transaction (e.g., PayPal, Stripe, Bank Transfer).
payment_methodstringThe specific method of payment used within the channel (e.g., Visa, MasterCard,online(e.g. paypal)).
transaction_nostringThe unique transaction number associated with this payment.
merchant_idstringThe unique identifier for the merchant handling the transaction.
For new payment lines, these fields are no longer included in the API response. Only the PayPal channel previously returned these fields.
merchant_emailstringThe email address of the merchant.
For new payment lines, these fields are no longer included in the API response. Only the PayPal channel previously returned these fields.
paid_totalstringThe total amount paid via this payment channel, formatted as a numeric string (e.g., "49.99").
payment_namestringThe name of the payment channel for display purposes (e.g., PayPal, Credit Card).


pay_typestringSpecifies the type of payment used for the order (e.g., Credit Card, PayPal).
product_tax_includedbooleanIndicates whether product prices include taxes (true or false).
requires_shippingbooleanSpecifies whether the order requires shipping (true or false).
checkout_business_typeinteger@Deprecated. Defines the business logic applied during checkout.

- 0: Standard checkout (default).
- 1: virtual goods
checkout_template_typeinteger@Deprecated. Determines the type of template used during checkout based on product or fulfillment type.

- 0: Physical Goods Template: Includes modules for shipping_address, shipping_line, payment_line, and billing_address.
- 1: Virtual Goods Template: Used for virtual products like gift cards; includes billing_address and payment_line.
- 2: In-Store Pickup Template: For orders where products are eligible for pickup; includes billing_address and payment_line.
market_settingMarketSettingSpecifies market-specific configurations for the order (e.g., regional taxes, currency settings).


primary_market_langstringPrimary market language
market_langstringMarket language, for example: en-US
market_idstringMarket configuration ID
market_currencystringMarket currency code, for example: USD
market_countrystringMarket country, for example: US
market_currency_symbolMarketCurrencySymbolMarket currency symbol
market_base_idstringMarket base ID
market_base_currencystringMarket base currency, for example: USD
market_base_currency_symbolMarketCurrencySymbolMarket base currency symbol
primary_market_idstringPrimary market ID
primary_market_currencystringPrimary market currency code, for example: USD
primary_market_currency_symbolMarketCurrencySymbolPrimary market currency symbol
market_price_settingMarketPriceSettingMarket price settings


Field NameField TypeDescription
codestringCurrency code, for example: USD
valstringCurrency symbol, for example: $
leftstringContent displayed to the left of the number, for example: $
rightstringContent displayed to the right of the numbe


local_currency_enabledbooleanLocal currency enable status
custom_rate_enabledbooleanCustom rate enable status
custom_ratenumberCustom rate, primary market currency -> market base currency
ratenumberprimary market currency -> market base currency / local currency
back_ratenumbermarket base currency / local currency -> primary market currency
actual_ratenumberActual exchange rate, primary market currency -> market base currency / local currency
base_to_localintegermarket base currency -> local currency
adjustintegerPrice adjustment
price_round_enabledbooleanEnable price rounding


IdstringUnique identifier for the location line.
LocationIdstringIdentifier for the associated location.
LocationNamestringName of the location, such as a store or warehouse.

Order Status

openedOrder successfully created
canceledCancellation of unpaid order
placedCompleted paid orders
finishedThe scenarios where the order is in the finished state:

1. All items in the order have been received
2. Order cancelled after payment
3. Full refund of order amount with all items deleted
4. Full refund of order amount with all items returned

Financial Status

waitingPending payment
payingPayment Processing
partially_paidPartial Payment (Gift Card Used)
paidPayment Received
cancelledPayment Cancelled
failedPayment Failed
refundingRefund Processing
refund_failRefund Failed
refundedFully Refunded
partially_refundedPartial Refund

Fulfillment Status

initialledInitial status, order unpaid
waitingAwaiting shipment
cancelledCancel shipment
partially_shippedPartial shipment
shippedFull shipment
partially_finishedPartial receipt
finishedFull receipt
returningReturn in progress
partially_returnedPartial return
returnedFull return


Refund properties

idstringUnique identifier for the refund.
order_idstringThe ID of the order associated with the refund.
notestringA note regarding the refund, provided by the merchant or system.
refund_pricestringThe total refund amount as specified by the buyer, represented as a numeric string (e.g., "50.00").
currencystringThe currency code for the refund amount (e.g., USD, EUR).
created_atstringThe timestamp when the refund was created.
updated_atstringThe timestamp of the last update to the refund.
refund_line_itemsarray of RefundLineItemA list of line items included in the refund, detailing specific products and quantities.
payment_detailsarray of PaymentDetailDetails about the payment channels used for the refund.
refund_shippingstringThe shipping cost included in the total refund amount.
refund_shipping_taxstringThe tax amount applied to the refunded shipping cost.
refund_methodstringThe method of the refund:
- none: Unknown
- general: Standard refund
- customize: Custom refund method
refund_statusstring@Deprecated.The current status of the refund:
- pending: Refund is in progress
- failed: Refund failed
- finished: Refund successfully completed


line_item_idstringUnique identifier for the refund line item.
refund_quantityintegerThe number of units being refunded for this line item.
line_itemarray of LineItemDetails of the original order line item associated with this refund.
taxstringThe tax amount applicable to the refunded goods.
discountstringThe refunded amount of any discounts applied to the goods.
sub_totalstringThe total price of the product from the associated line_item.
totalstringThe total refund amount for the goods, including discounts and taxes.
delete_quantitystringThe quantity of the product being refunded before it was shipped.


payment_channelstringRefund payment channel
payment_methodstringRefund payment method
refund_pricestringChannel refund amount
finished_atstringRefund Completion time RFC3339 Time does not exist is an empty string