Manage refunds related to orders. These APIs help merchants process and track refunds, ensuring efficient handling of post-sale customer requests. Key features include:
- Retrieving refund lists and their details.
- Processing full or partial refunds for an order.Noted:

RefundLineItem:The RefundLineItem represents the individual items(products) being refunded within a refund request. It links back to specific order and tracks the details for the individual products being refunded, including quantities, taxes, discounts, and totals.
LineItem:The LineItem represents the original purchase details for a specific product in the order. Each RefundLineItem is directly linked to a LineItem from the original order.
PaymentDetail: A Refund can be processed through multiple PaymentDetails, especially if the original order was paid using multiple payment methods or channels. Each PaymentDetail specifies the refund amount processed through a specific payment method or channel.