Collection Properties


titleStringCollection's display title
handleStringCollection's handle
descriptionStringCollection's description
smartBooleanIs it a Smart Collection?
Noted: It's not allow to manage products through API with Smart collection.
sort_orderStringIt's a config for sorting order, supporting values are:
- alpha-asc: Alphabetically, in ascending order (A - Z).
- alpha-desc: Alphabetically, in descending order (Z - A)
- price-asc: By price, in ascending order ( lowest - highest ).
- price-desc: By price, in descending order ( highest - lowest ).
- created-desc: By date created, in descending order ( newest - oldest ).
- sales-desc: By sales quantity, in descending order.
- real-sales-desc: By real sales quantity (not including fake_sales), in descending order.
- inventory-quantity-desc: By inventory quantity, in descending order.
- inventory-quantity-asc: By inventory quantity, in ascending order.
- manual: By merchant owner's setting.
meta_titleStringMeta title
meta_descriptionStringMeta description
meta_keywordStringMeta Keywords