Product Properties

Product Properties

Params keyTypeDescription
titleStringproduct's title
briefStringproduct's brief information
handleStringproduct's slug
descriptionStringproduct's description
vendorStringvendor name
vendor_urlStringvendor's URL
has_only_default_variantBooleanis it a single variant?
requires_shippingBooleanis it required for shipping?
taxableBooleanis it required for tax
inventory_trackingBooleanwhether it need inventory tracking
inventory_policyStringtracking policy, control the behavior while inventory's out.

Options are:
- deny ( not allow to generate sales )
- continue ( continue for sales )
- auto_unpublished ( auto unpublish this product )
inventory_quantityIntegerquantity of inventory
publishedBooleanwhether it is published?
published_atStringpublished time
created_atStringcreate time
updated_atStringlast updated time
meta_titleStringmeta title
meta_descriptionStringmeta description
meta_keywordStringmeta keyword
need_variant_imageBooleanthis is an option to control whether this product's variant need an image.
spuStringProduct SPU ( Standard Product Unit )
fake_salesIntegerfake sales number
display_fake_salesBooleanwhether to display fake sales
tags[String]A list of tags associated with the product