Sections are used to host reusable modules of content that merchants can customize.

Section files are hosted in the sections directory of the theme.

Liquid in sections

Sections have the same access to global objects, tags, and filters as other Liquid theme files, as well as the following section-specific objects:

Sections also support the following Liquid tags, which are unique to sections:



Section-specific tags are Liquid tags. However, unlike other tags, section-specific tags don't output their contents or render any Liquid code.

Render a section

You can render sections in one of the following ways:



If you want to render a section inside a template, then use a JSON template. JSON templates provide more extensive customization options for merchants, and improve the theme editor's performance.

Statically render a section

You can statically render a section using the Liquid section tag.

For example, if you have a /sections/header.liquid file that contains your theme's header content, then you might want to include that section in theme.liquid so that the header is rendered on all pages that use that layout:

{% section 'header' %}



You can include a statically-rendered section in multiple theme files. However, only one instance of the section exists. If you change section settings in one location, then the change will be applied to all locations where the section is rendered.