Variable tags

You can use variable tags to create new Liquid variables.


Creates a new named variable.

{% assign favorite_food = 'apples' %}

My favorite food is {{ favorite_food }}.
My favorite food is apples.

assigned variables can be strings or booleans (true or false). Remember not to use quotation marks around the value if it is true or false:

{% assign first_time_visitor = true %}
{% if first_time_visitor == true %}
  Welcome to the site!
{% endif %}
Welcome to the site!


Captures the string inside of the opening and closing tags and assigns it to a variable. Variables that you create using capture are stored as strings.

Using capture, you can create complex strings using other variables created with assign.

{% assign favorite_food = 'pizza' %}
{% assign age = 35 %}

{% capture about_me %}
I am {{ age }} and my favorite food is {{ favorite_food }}.
{% endcapture %}

{{ about_me }}
I am 35 and my favorite food is pizza.


Creates a new number variable, and increases its value by 1 every time increment is called on the variable. The counter's initial value is 0.

Here, an increment counter is used to create a unique numbered class for each list item:

  <li class="item-{% increment counter %}">apples</li>
  <li class="item-{% increment counter %}">oranges</li>
  <li class="item-{% increment counter %}">peaches</li>
  <li class="item-{% increment counter %}">plums</li>
  <li class="item-0">apples</li>
  <li class="item-1">oranges</li>
  <li class="item-2">peaches</li>
  <li class="item-3">plums</li>


Creates a new number variable, and decreases its value by 1 every time decrement is called on the variable. The counter's initial value is -1.

{% decrement variable %}
{% decrement variable %}
{% decrement variable %}