Information about the pagination inside a set of paginate tags.

current_offsetnumberThe total number of items on pages previous to the current page.
current_pagenumberThe page number of the current page.
itemsnumberThe total number of items to be paginated. For example, if you paginate a collection of 120 products, then the value of paginate.items is 120.
nextpartThe pagination part is to go to the next page.
pahe_sizenumberThe number of items displayed per page.
pagesnumberThe total number of pages.
partsan array of partThe pagination parts. Pagination parts are used to build pagination navigation.
  "page_size": 8,
  "current_page": 1,
  "current_offset": 0,
  "pages": 11,
  "items": 85,
  "next": {
    "url": "/collections/all-products?preview_theme_id=&page=2",
    "is_link": true
  "parts": [
      "is_link": false,
      "title": "1",
      "url": ""
      "is_link": true,
      "title": "2",
      "url": "/collections/all-products?preview_theme_id=&page=2"
      "is_link": true,
      "title": "3",
      "url": "/collections/all-products?preview_theme_id=&page=3"
      "is_link": false,
      "title": "...",
      "url": ""