Templates control what's rendered on each type of page in a theme.

Each page type in an online store has an associated template type. You can use the template to add functionality that makes sense for the page type. For example, you can add additional product recommendations to a product template.


Template files are located in the templates directory of the theme:

└── theme
    ├── layout
    ├── templates
    |   ├── 404.liquid
    |   ├── article.liquid
    |   ...


You can use Liquid file type in your theme. This template file type can be used to build multiple template types, each of which represents a type of content in a merchant's online store.

File type

The template type support only the Liquid file type.

LiquidLiquid templates are Liquid markup files, with the .liquid file extension.

Template types

Each available template type represents a type of content in a merchant's online store. No template types are required. However, you must have a matching template for any page type that you want to render. For example, to render a product page, you need at least one template of type product.

You can use the following template types in your theme. To learn more about each template type, click on the template name.

404Renders page content that is shown to customers if they enter an invalid URL for the store.
articleRenders the article page, which contains the full content of the article. This template is used for items like individual posts in a blog.
blogRenders the blog page, which lists all articles within a blog.
cartRenders the /cart page, which provides an overview of the contents of a customer’s cart.
collectionRenders the collection page, which lists all products within a collection.
customers/addressesRenders the customer addresses page, which allows customers to view and manage their current addresses, as well as add new ones.
customers/loginRenders the customer login page, which hosts the form for logging into a customer account.
customers/orderRenders the customer order page, which displays the details of a customer’s past orders.
customers/registerRenders the customer register page, which hosts the form for customer account creation.
customers/reset_passwordRenders the password reset page, which hosts the form to reset the password for a customer account.
customers/reset_successRenders the password reset success page.
indexRenders the home page of the store, located at the root URL (/).
orderRenders the customer order detail page, which displays the details of a customer’s past order.
order_verifyRenders the order verify page, which can look up an order by email or phone.
pageRenders the shop’s pages, such as About us and Contact us.
passwordRenders the /password page, which is a landing page shown when you add password protection to your online store. This page includes a message that is editable by merchants and the password form for customers to gain access to the store.
productRenders the product page, which contains a product's media and content, as well as a form for customers to select a variant and add it to the cart.
searchRenders the /search page, which displays the results of a storefront search.