CarrierService Properties

CarrierService Properties

cn_namestringchinese name
en_namestringenglish name
store_idstringstore id
activeboolif true means useable
callback_urlstringshoplazza call third-party for calculating shipping rates.
scopestringThe capabilities provided by third-party applications. eg:shipment、calculate(default)
carrier_service_codestringthe code of an service provider that undertakes transportation
logostringcarrier service logo url
short_descstringcarrier A brief introduction
create_atstringthe carrier service created time
update_atstringthe carrier service update time latest


    "carrier_service": {
        "id": "1",
        "cn_name": "shipzipserivce1",
        "en_name": "",
        "store_id": "70808",
        "active": "true",
        "callback_url": "http://",
        "scope": "calculate",
        "carrier_service_code": "shipzip",
        "logo": "",
        "short_desc": "more infos",
        "create_at": "2024-07-01",
        "update_at": "",