Procurement Order Detail


Requires inventory access scope.

The Procurement Order Detail API retrieves detailed information about a specific procurement order using its unique procurement_id. This API provides comprehensive data on the procurement, including its status, quantities, associated logistics, and timestamps.

This API is especially useful for:

  1. Viewing detailed information about a specific procurement order.
  2. Tracking the status and quantities of items in a procurement order.
  3. Managing logistics and other operational details.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Path Parameters

procurement_idstringUnique identifier of the procurement order.Yes"385070142252984200"

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters


Public Response Parameters

Success Response

idint64Unique identifier of the procurement order.385070142252984200
procurement_snstringSerial number of the procurement order."0000022"
source_idint64ID of the source associated with the procurement order.339974638274034100
location_idint64Location ID associated with the procurement order.333849256890743900
notestringNotes associated with the procurement order.""
statestringCurrent state of the procurement order."3"
pending_quantityint32Quantity of items pending procurement.0
received_quantityint32Quantity of items received.10
rejected_quantityint32Quantity of items rejected.0
transfer_quantityint32Quantity of items transferred.10
created_bystringEmail address of the user who created the procurement order."[email protected]"
created_atstringTimestamp indicating when the procurement order was created."2024-05-30T07:54:40Z"
updated_atstringTimestamp indicating when the procurement order was last updated."2024-05-30T07:55:03Z"
source_typeint32Type of the source related to the procurement order.1
procurement_nostringProcurement order number."20240530"
tracking_numberstringTracking number associated with the procurement order.""
estimated_delivery_timestringEstimated delivery time for the procurement.""
logistics_namestringName of the logistics provider.""
logistics_contactstringContact information of the logistics provider.""
logistics_addressstringAddress of the logistics provider.""
received_timesstringTimestamp indicating when the procurement was received."2024-05-30T07:55:03Z"

Error Response

Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors and error. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.

errorString "page not found"Indicates an error encountered during the process

Error Detail

ErrorCodeDescriptionPossible Reasons
400 - Bad RequestThe request is invalid.1. Invalid query parameters.
2. Missing required fields.
404 - Not FoundResource not found.1. The specified procurement order does not exist.
500 - StatusInternalServerErrorInternal server error.1. Aborted.
2. Unauthenticated.
3. DeadlineExceeded.
4. Response message parsing error.

API Structure Overview

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