access scope. For more info, refer to:access scope
The Shop&Settings APIs enable developers to manage shop settings and files effectively. These APIs provide tools for handling shop configurations, file uploads, and retrieval tasks, ensuring that merchants can maintain and update their store operations smoothly.
Product Domain Model Diagram

Available APIs:
1. Shop Info
Manage general shop properties and details. These APIs allow merchants to retrieve, update, and manage shop-specific data:
- Shop Properties: Access and modify properties of the shop such as shop name, email, and currency settings.
- Shop Details: Retrieve comprehensive information about the shop, such as registration details, current status, and associated metadata.
- Update Shop: Perform updates to shop settings like storefront name, address, or timezone using a PATCH request.
2. Material File
Manage material files within the shop. These APIs provide functionalities to create, retrieve, and manage uploaded files required for store operations:
- File Properties: Retrieve file metadata and properties.
- Create Upload File Task: Generate a task to upload files to the shop for materials or media assets.
- Get Upload File Task: Check the status of file upload tasks.
- Get File List: Retrieve a list of uploaded files stored in the shop.
- Get File Details: Fetch details of a specific uploaded file.
- Delete File: Remove unnecessary or outdated files from the shop.