Create Customer


Requires write_customer access scope.

Create a new customer and optionally assign a default address.

This API is especially useful for:

  1. Creating a new customer with contact information.
  2. Associating addresses (billing or shipping) during creation.
  3. Managing marketing subscription preferences.

Note: The operation is scoped to a specific shop, identified by its unique domain prefix (shopdomain), ensuring all updates are applied to the correct store.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Body Parameters

contact_typestringYesemailShould be phone or email. If phone, the phone parameter is required; otherwise, email is required.
emailstringConditional[email protected]Email address, required when contact_type is email.
phonestringConditional+8615014471143Phone number with area code, required when contact_type is phone.
first_namestringNoRyanCustomer's first name.
last_namestringNoZhangCustomer's last name.
accepts_marketingbooleanNotrueWhether to subscribe to marketing email campaigns. Defaults to true.
accepts_sms_marketingbooleanNotrueWhether to subscribe to SMS marketing campaigns. Defaults to true.
passwordstringNo123456Customer's password.
password_confirmationstringNo123456Confirmation of the password.
tagsstringNoNew Customer,Repeat CustomerComma-separated tags assigned to the customer.
registered_atstringNo2024-03-11T03:32:00ZThe registered_at field records the creation time in UTC (0 timezone), formatted as ISO-8601
addressesarray of objectsNo[ ... ]A list of address objects under the customer object.
addresses.first_namestringYesTestFirst name of the consignee.
addresses.last_namestringYesTestLast name of the consignee.
addresses.emailstringNo[email protected]Email address for the address.
addresses.address1stringNo6Primary street address.
addresses.address2stringNo1111Secondary street address (e.g., apartment, suite).
addresses.areastringNoBay AreaArea or region of the address.
addresses.provincestringNoGuangdongProvince or state.
addresses.province_codestringNoGDProvince code.
addresses.countrystringYesAland IslandsCountry name.
addresses.country_codestringYesAXISO country code.
addresses.companystringNoABC LimitedCompany name.
addresses.phonestringNo+86 150 1447 1143Phone number associated with the address.
addresses.phone_area_codestringNo+86Area code for the phone number.
addresses.zipstringNo515300Postal or ZIP code.
addresses.genderstringNomaleGender, e.g., male or female.
addresses.defaultbooleanNotrueIndicates if this is the default address. Defaults to true.

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters


Public Response Parameters

Successful Response

customerobjectCustomer object containing customer details.
customer.idstring2dd957e3-2051-4cdf-8584-9c0046b4d1aeUnique identifier for the customer.
customer.first_namestringRyanCustomer's first name.
customer.last_namestringZhangCustomer's last name.
customer.namestringRyan ZhangFull name of the customer.
customer.emailstring[email protected]Customer's email address.
customer.phonestring+8615014471143Customer's phone number.
customer.phone_area_codestringnullArea code of the phone number.
customer.contact_typestringemailContact type, either email or phone.
customer.accepts_marketingbooleantrueIndicates if the customer is subscribed to marketing emails.
customer.sourcestringnullSource of the customer data.
customer.free_taxbooleanfalseIndicates if the customer is exempt from taxes.
customer.registeredbooleanfalseIndicates if the customer is registered.
customer.orders_countinteger0Number of orders placed by the customer.
customer.last_order_atstringnullTimestamp of the customer's last order.
customer.total_spentstring"0.00"Total amount spent by the customer.
customer.tagsstringNew CustomerComma-separated tags associated with the customer.
customer.created_atstring2024-04-17T11:10:33ZTimestamp when the customer was created, in ISO8601 format.
customer.updated_atstring2024-04-17T11:10:33ZTimestamp when the customer was last updated, in ISO8601 format.
customer.subscribed_flaginteger5Customer's marketing subscription status flag.
customer.sms_subscribed_flaginteger5Customer's SMS subscription status flag.
customer.accepts_sms_marketingbooleantrueIndicates if the customer is subscribed to SMS marketing campaigns.
customer.default_addressobjectSee Address Object fields below.Default address object for the customer.
customer.default_address.idstring9ffa8dc0-25b8-4424-832e-bab46fcfeb20Unique identifier for the address.
customer.default_address.customer_idstring2dd957e3-2051-4cdf-8584-9c0046b4d1aeID of the customer this address belongs to.
customer.default_address.first_namestringTestFirst name of the consignee.
customer.default_address.last_namestringTestLast name of the consignee.
customer.default_address.companystring""Company name.
customer.default_address.citystring深圳City of the address.
customer.default_address.provincestring""Province or state of the address.
customer.default_address.countrystringAland IslandsCountry name of the address.
customer.default_address.zipstring515300Postal or ZIP code.
customer.default_address.province_codestring""Province code.
customer.default_address.country_codestringAXISO country code.
customer.default_address.genderstring""Gender of the consignee.
customer.default_address.phonestring+86 150 1447 1143Phone number associated with the address.
customer.default_address.phone_area_codestringnullArea code of the phone number.
customer.default_address.areastring""Area or region of the address.
customer.default_address.emailstring[email protected]Email associated with the address.
customer.default_address.namestringTest TestFull name of the consignee.
customer.default_address.address1string6 三聖街Primary street address.
customer.default_address.address2string1111Secondary street address.
customer.default_address.country_namestringAland IslandsFull name of the country.
customer.default_address.defaultbooleantrueIndicates if this is the default address.
customer.addressesarray of objectsSee Address Object fields below for full details.List of all customer addresses.
customer.addresses.idstring9ffa8dc0-25b8-4424-832e-bab46fcfeb20Unique identifier for the address.
customer.addresses.customer_idstring2dd957e3-2051-4cdf-8584-9c0046b4d1aeID of the customer this address belongs to.
customer.addresses.first_namestringTestFirst name of the consignee.
customer.addresses.last_namestringTestLast name of the consignee.
customer.addresses.companystring""Company name.
customer.addresses.citystring深圳City of the address.
customer.addresses.provincestring""Province or state of the address.
customer.addresses.countrystringAland IslandsCountry name of the address.
customer.addresses.zipstring515300Postal or ZIP code.
customer.addresses.province_codestring""Province code.
customer.addresses.country_codestringAXISO country code.
customer.addresses.genderstring""Gender of the consignee.
customer.addresses.phonestring+86 150 1447 1143Phone number associated with the address.
customer.addresses.areastring""Area or region of the address.
customer.addresses.emailstring[email protected]Email associated with the address.
customer.addresses.address1string6 三聖街Primary street address.
customer.addresses.address2string1111Secondary street address.
customer.addresses.country_namestringAland IslandsFull name of the country.
customer.addresses.defaultbooleantrueIndicates if this is the default address.

Error Response

Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors and error. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.

errorsEmail or Phone is already taken["Context"]A list of errors encountered during the request processing.
errorString "store is not active"Indicates an error encountered during the process

Error Detail

Status CodeMessagePossible ReasonExample Response
400Bad RequestInvalid input format or request structure (e.g., missing required fields or incorrect data types).Bad Request
UnauthorizedThe request is missing valid authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid.Unauthorized
422Email or Phone is already takenProvided existed phone number or email.
Password is too short (minimum is 6 characters)Provides password's length is less than 6
Password confirmation must be equal to passwordConfirmation Password is not equal to Password.
Phone is invalidPhone number is not invalid
Country can't be blankempty Country.
Country code can't be blankempty Country code.

API Structure Overview

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!