get https://{subdomain}
Return the payout details. Objects are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most recently created objects shown first
access scope.
The List Payout Details API returns payout details sorted in descending order of creation date, with the most recently created objects appearing first.
This API is especially useful for:
- Retrieving detailed payout transaction records.
- Filtering payouts based on specific time ranges or currency.
- Supporting cursor-based pagination for efficient data retrieval.
Request Parameters
Public Request Parameters
Query Parameters
Field | Type | Required | Example | Description |
created_at_min | string | No | "1714281600" | Start time for payout details (Unix timestamp). |
created_at_max | string | No | "1714368000" | End time for payout details (Unix timestamp). |
limit | int32 | No | 10 | A limit on the number of objects to return. Range: 1-100 (default is 10). |
currency | string | No | "USD" | Currency of the payout account. |
cursor | string | No | "abc123" | Cursor for pagination; use the cursor value returned in the previous response. |
Response Explanation
Public Response Parameters
Successful Response
Field | Type | Example | Description |
code | string | "Success" | Status code for the response. |
message | string | "Request successful" | Additional message about the response. |
data | object | Contains the payout detail records. | |
data.list | array | Array of payout detail objects. | |
data.list[].id | string | "txn456" | Unique identifier for the payout record. |
data.list[].store_id | string | "store123" | Store ID associated with the payout. |
data.list[].created_at | string | "1714281600" | Creation time of the payout record (Unix timestamp). |
data.list[].status | string | "completed" | Status of the payout record. Possible values: completed , pending , failed . |
data.list[].currency | string | "USD" | Currency of the payout. |
data.list[].amount | string | "100.00" | Total amount of the payout. |
data.list[].bank_name | string | "ABC Bank" | Bank name associated with the payout. |
data.list[].last4 | string | "1234" | Last 4 digits of the bank account number. |
data.list[].routing_number | string | "110000000" | Routing number of the bank account. |
data.has_more | boolean | true | Indicates if there are more pages of results. |
data.cursor | string | "abc123" | Cursor to fetch the next page of results. |
Error Response
Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors
and error
. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.
Field | Type | Description | Example |
code | string | The error code indicating the type of issue. | InvalidParameter |
message | string | A detailed message describing the error. | wrong cursor |
Field | Type | Example | Description |
error | String | "store is not active" | Indicates an error encountered during the process |
Error Detail
Status Code | Message | Possible Reason | Example Response |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid input format or request structure (e.g., missing required fields or incorrect data types). | Bad Request |
Unauthorized | The request is missing valid authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid. | Unauthorized | |
500 | InvalidParameter | cursor is not invalid. | wrong cursor |