Get Upload File Task

The Get Upload File Task API retrieves the status and details of an upload task that was previously created using the task_id. It provides information about the task's progress, the number of files processed, and the results (success and failure lists).

This API is especially useful for:

  1. Monitoring the progress of file upload tasks.
  2. Fetching details of successfully uploaded files, including the upload_link.
  3. Identifying files that failed to upload for troubleshooting.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Path Parameters

task_idstringThe unique identifier for the upload task.300b5e33-3ac5-41c5-9819-7e2e8aad6a98

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters

Success Response


Public Response Parameters

Field Type Description Example
task_id string The unique identifier for the upload task. 300b5e33-3ac5-41c5-9819-7e2e8aad6a98
total int Total number of files in the upload task. 1
finished int Number of files successfully processed. 1
status int Status of the upload task (0 = completed, 1 = in progress, etc.). 0
success_list array A list of successfully uploaded files, including `file_uri`, `origin_link`, and `upload_link`. [{"file_uri": "652c51e6ea5273f8e0b5c3a30b62fd57.jpeg", "origin_link": "", "upload_link": ""}]
failure_list array A list of files that failed to upload. []
origin_list array A list of original file URLs from the upload request. [""]

Error Response

Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors and error. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.

errorString "page not found"Indicates an error encountered during the process

Error Detail

ErrorCodeDescriptionPossible reasons
400Bad Request1. Backend status indicates failure
2.Invalid domain url or credentials
3.Missing or empty task_id
404Not FoundMissing or invalid data
5. Response message parsing error

API Structure Overview

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