Discount Code Properties
Name | Type | Description |
code | string | Coupon Code |
customer_selection | string | Range of customer |
discount_type | string | Offer type: fixed_amount discount, percentage discount |
ends_at | string | Activity end time - Time Stamp |
entitled_collection_ids | array | Buy collection ids |
entitled_extra_list | array | Excluded entities |
entitled_product_ids | array | Buy product ids |
once_per_customer | string | Number of personal use limit |
prerequisite | string | With or without precondition :1 yes, 0 no |
prerequisite_customer_ids | array | Prerequisite customer ids |
prerequisite_threshold_quantity_range | object | Quantity threshold |
prerequisite_threshold_subtotal_range | object | Amount threshold |
prerequisite_subtotal_range | object | Full discount offer amount rule |
product_num | integer | Number of products |
progress | string | Activity status: ongoing in progress, not_started not started, finished ended, usable available |
starts_at | string | Activity start Time - Time Stamp |
status | string | Activity status ( 0 Invalid; 1 Valid ) |
target_selection | string | Target selection can only be all |
target_type | string | Target type: line_item shipping_line |
times_used | string | Number of times the rule is enabled (consumed) |
title | string | Activity name |
usage_limit | string | Total number of offers for the campaign |
use_with_other | string | Whether to use with other activities at the same time (1:yes,0:no) |
using_state | string | The usage status of the offer, default normal: normal use, reopen re-enable |
value_type | string | Rule preference value type:percentage fixed_amount buy_x_get_y fixed_price |
detail_url | string | Landing page link |
value | string | Rule offer Value |
prerequisite_quantity_range | object | Full discount offer tier information |
Discount Rebate Data Properties
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Activity name |
discount_type | string | Offer type: fixed_amount percentage |
once_per_customer | string | Number of personal use limit |
status | string | Activity Status :0 Invalid,1 Valid |
starts_at | string | Activity start Time - Time Stamp |
ends_at | string | Activity end time - Time Stamp |
allocation_method | string | Price preference allocation method |
progress | string | Activity status: ongoing in progress, not_started not started, finished ended, usable available |
product_num | integer | Number of products |
detail_url | string | Landing page link |
Discount Flashsal Data Properties
Name | Type | Description |
customer_selection | string | Range of customer |
discount_type | string | Offer type: fixed_amount , percentage |
ends_at | string | Activity end time - Time Stamp |
entitled_filter_ids | array | Filter ids |
entitled_filter_list | array | Filter list |
entitled_product_ids | array | Buy product ids |
global_show_text | string | Global text display: open show, close don't show |
once_per_customer | string | Number of personal use limit |
prerequisite | string | With or without precondition :1 yes, 0 no |
prerequisite_customer_ids | array | Prerequisite customer ids |
prerequisite_threshold_quantity_range | array | Quantity threshold |
prerequisite_threshold_subtotal_range | array | Amount threshold |
prerequisite_subtotal_range | array | Full discount offer amount rule |
product_num | integer | Number of products |
progress | string | Activity status: ongoing in progress, not_started not started, finished ended, usable available |
starts_at | string | Activity tart Time - Time Stamp |
status | string | Activity status :0 Invalid,1 Valid |
times_used | string | Number of times the rule is enabled (consumed) |
title | string | Activity name |
value_type | string | Rule preference value type:percentage fixed_amount buy_x_get_y fixed_price |
detail_url | string | Landing page link |
value | string | Rule Offer Value |
Popup Data Properties
Name | Type | Description |
subscribe | string | Number of successful participation |
conversion_rate | string | Conversion rate |
exposure | string | Number of exposures |
activity_detail | object | Activity detail |
Popup activity_detail
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Activity name |
starts_at | string | Activity start Time - Time Stamp |
ends_at | string | Activity end time - Time Stamp |
status | string | Activity status: 1 Normal, 2 Suspended, 0 Deleted |
Salespop Config Properties
Type | Type | Description |
order_status | string | Order range: all paid |
time | string | Product Range, Recommended orders were generated in the last {time} |
time_unit | string | Product Range, Recommended orders generated from the nearest unit |
status | string | Config status: open |
template_config | object | Config template |
Salespop Config template_config
Name | Type | Description |
template | string | Float notification template: 1 2 3 |
replace_switch | boolean | Replace switch |
default_time | string | Default time. example: '24' |
anonymity_switch | boolean | Anonymity switch |
Salespop Datagraph Properties
Name | Type | Description |
click | integer | Number of clicks |
exposure | integer | Number of exposures |
purchase | integer | Number of paid orders |
sales | integer | Transaction amount |