

Requires product or collection or comments access scope. For more access scope

The Product API consists of endpoints designed to manage products, variants, images, and collections. These APIs facilitate creating, updating, retrieving, and deleting products and their associated resources.

Product Domain Model Diagram

Product APIs

Product APIs provide developer ability to manage Product & Collection for specific store.

We provide following APIs:

  • Product — manage products in the store
  • Product Variant — manage product variant for single product. Variant is a combination of different Product's Options, for example a T-shirt have options size and color, so one of Variant might be L size and blue color T-shirt.
  • Product Image — manage product images for single product
  • Collection — A group of products. Merchant could create a group of similar products so that customers could easily navigated with.
  • Collect — Collect resource connect a product to a collection. For every single product in a collection there's a collect that tracks the ID of both the product and collection.
  • Comment — Product reviews or notes.



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