Complete Payment


Requires write_payment_info access scope.

Complete Payment API is uesd in jump payment and direct credit card payment with 3DS verification, after the customer completes the payment on the third-party page, the third-party payment provider must notify Shoplazza that the customer has completed the payment. Shoplazza will then return a redirect URL to direct the customer to the payment completion page.
At this stage, the final payment result does not need to be returned.

Request Headers

Access-TokenOAuth authorization token returned upon authentication.
Shoplazza-Shop-DomainSystem domain name assigned by Shoplazza.
Shoplazza-Hmac-Sha256The encrypted signature calculated using the signature method.
Content-TypeFixed as application/json.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

app_idYesstringPayments app ID."db5fc9a6-2a64-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003"
payment_idYesstringPayment ID."7eb3fefb-6b43-4400-b40a-a2a0531364ae"
amountYesnumberOrder amount.254.20
currencyYesstringCurrency type."CAD"
transaction_noYesstringThird-party payment system order number."123456789"
typeYesstringPayment type:
- sale: Direct payment
- authorization: Pre-authorization.
testYesbooleanIndicates whether the request is in test mode.false
statusYesstringPayment status, fixed as paying."paying"
extensionNoobjectCustom extended fields.{ "foo": "bar" }
timestampYesstringISO 8601 format."2021-09-01T18:32:20Z"

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters


Public Response Parameters

Successful Response

redirect_urlstringURL to redirect the customer to the payment completion page.""
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!