put https://{shopdomain}.myshoplaza.com/openapi/2022-01/orders//fulfillments/
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The Update Fulfillment API updates the details of an existing fulfillment, including tracking information and notification preferences. This enables users to modify tracking data and notify customers via email.
This API is especially useful for:
- Updating shipment tracking information.
- Resending fulfillment email notifications to customers.
- Modifying tracking URLs or logistics company details.
Request Parameters
Public Request Parameters
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
order_id | string | Yes | 633130-00000012 | Unique identifier for the order. |
fulfillment_id | string | Yes | 49a731b0-1b7e-47c3-94d9-6d688f36201e | Unique identifier for the fulfillment. |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
tracking_number | string | No | DHL1231232113 | Tracking number of the shipment. |
tracking_company | string | No | DHL | Name of the tracking company. |
tracking_company_code | string | No | dhl | Code of the tracking company. |
tracking_url | string | No | https://tracking.url | URL to track the shipment. |
send_email | boolean | No | true | Whether to send email notifications to customers. |
Response Explanation
Public Response Parameters
Successful Response
Field | Type | Example | Description |
fulfillment | object | - | Fulfillment details. |
fulfillment.id | string | 51c7dd5d-8f49-40c3-b2c1-5dfdeef9946d | Unique ID of the fulfillment. |
fulfillment.order_id | string | 633130-00000007 | Order ID associated with the fulfillment. |
fulfillment.status | string | shipped | Status of the fulfillment (shipped , pending , etc.). |
fulfillment.tracking_company | string | 燕文物流 | Name of the shipping company. |
fulfillment.tracking_number | string | 11111111111 | Tracking number for the shipment. |
fulfillment.tracking_company_code | string | DJ-11343 | Code of the shipping company. |
fulfillment.tracking_url | string | https://tracking.example.com | URL for tracking the shipment. |
fulfillment.created_at | string | 2024-04-22T08:37:12Z | Timestamp of creation in ISO-8601 format. |
fulfillment.updated_at | string | 2024-04-22T08:37:12Z | Timestamp of the last update in ISO-8601 format. |
fulfillment.line_items | array of objects | - | List of fulfilled line items. |
fulfillment.line_items[].id | string | ed8af005-1f4e-42d1-859d-99b0fd420781 | Line item ID. |
fulfillment.line_items[].product_id | string | a1a88be0-a1d4-47e4-a2f2-ba6e131cf447 | Product ID. |
fulfillment.line_items[].variant_id | string | a7175820-36b3-4fc6-9baf-51e3035242ba | Variant ID of the product. |
fulfillment.line_items[].variant_title | string | L-blue-T | Title of the product variant. |
fulfillment.line_items[].product_title | string | shirt | Title of the product. |
fulfillment.line_items[].product_handle | string | shirt | Handle of the product. |
fulfillment.line_items[].quantity | integer | 1 | Quantity of the product fulfilled. |
fulfillment.line_items[].note | string | Special instructions | Note associated with the line item. |
fulfillment.line_items[].fulfillment_status | string | shipped | Fulfillment status for the line item. |
fulfillment.line_items[].sku | string | T-M-L-blue-T-A001008 | SKU of the product. |
fulfillment.line_items[].weight_unit | string | kg | Unit for the weight of the product. |
fulfillment.line_items[].weight | string | 1.10 | Weight of the product. |
fulfillment.line_items[].vendor | string | shoplazza | Vendor or supplier of the product. |
fulfillment.line_items[].product_url | string | /products/shirt | URL of the product page. |
fulfillment.line_items[].image | string | //cdn.shoplazza.com/image.jpg | URL of the product image. |
fulfillment.line_items[].price | string | 81.00 | Price of the product per unit. |
fulfillment.line_items[].total | string | 81.00 | Total price for the fulfilled quantity. |
fulfillment.line_items[].compare_at_price | string | 97.00 | Original (compare at) price of the product. |
fulfillment.line_items[].properties | array of objects | [{ "name": "size", "value": "L" }] | Custom properties of the line item. |
fulfillment.line_items[].refund_quantity | integer | 0 | Quantity refunded from this line item. |
fulfillment.line_items[].refund_total | string | 0.00 | Total refunded amount for this line item. |
fulfillment.line_items[].taxable | boolean | true | Indicates whether the product is taxable. |
fulfillment.line_items[].requires_shipping | boolean | true | Indicates if shipping is required for the product. |
fulfillment.line_items[].shipping_quantity | integer | 1 | Quantity being shipped in this fulfillment. |
Error Response
Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors
and error
. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.
Field | Type | Example | Description |
errors | Array | [ "invalid line_item id"] | A list of errors encountered during the request processing. |
Field | Type | Example | Description |
error | String | "store is not active" | Indicates an error encountered during the process |
Error Detail
Status Code | Message | Possible Reason | Example Response |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid input format or request structure (e.g., missing required fields or incorrect data types). | Bad Request |
Unauthorized | The request is missing valid authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid. | Unauthorized | |
404 | Record not found | provided order_id and fulfillment_id is not existing | {"errors": ["Record not found"]} |