Create Collect


Requires write_collection access scope. More access scope

The Create Collect API associates a product with a collection by creating a collect object. For every single product in a collection there's a collect that tracks the ID of both the product and collection. This enables users to organize products into collections for easier management and display.This API is especially useful for:

  1. Add a product to a specific collection.
  2. Organize products for marketing, inventory, or categorization purposes.

Note: The operation is scoped to a specific shop, identified by its unique domain prefix (shopdomain), ensuring all updates are applied to the correct store.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Body Parameters

collect.collection_idstringYesa60fe556-43ad-4e07-9125-507ac1bf71f7Unique identifier of the collection.
collect.product_idstringYesc34da7b1-26af-4c2b-8a7b-3474d73cdab1Unique identifier of the product.

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters


Public Response Parameters

Success Response

collect.idstringf12ab34c-98af-4e76-9b11-05a1dc14bf33Unique identifier of the collect.
collect.collection_idstringa60fe556-43ad-4e07-9125-507ac1bf71f7Identifier of the associated collection.
collect.product_idstringc34da7b1-26af-4c2b-8a7b-3474d73cdab1Identifier of the associated product.
collect.positioninteger1Position of the product in the collection.
collect.created_atstring2024-04-16T10:31:12ZTimestamp when the collect was created.
collect.updated_atstring2024-04-16T10:31:12ZTimestamp when the collect was last updated.

Error Response

Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors and error. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.

errorsArray[ "ProductId is required"]A list of errors encountered during the request processing.
errorArray "store is not active"Indicates an error encountered during the process.

Error Details

Status CodeMessagePossible ReasonExample Response
400Bad RequestInvalid input format or request structure (e.g., missing required fields or incorrect data types).Bad Request
UnauthorizedThe request is missing valid authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid.Unauthorized
422Invalid or empty product_idmissing required product_id or product_id with incorrect UUID types{ "errors": [ "productId has an invalid UUID"]}
product_id is already linked to the collection.Product is already included in current collection.{ "errors": ["Product is already included in current collection."] }
Product not foundThe product ID provided in the request does not exist.{ "errors": ["Product not found."] }
404Record Not FoundThe database query for retrieving the collect returned no result.{ "errors": ["Record not found"] }

API Structure Overview

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