Order Risk


Requires read_order access scope. More access scope

The Order Risk API provides detailed risk assessment information for a specific order. This allows merchants to better understand the potential risks associated with an order.

This API is especially useful for:

  1. Reviewing detailed risk assessments for an order.
  2. Identifying possible fraudulent or risky activities.
  3. Making data-driven decisions on whether to proceed with fulfilling the order.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Path Parameters

idstringYesThe unique ID of the order.633130-00000015

Response Description

Public Response Fields


Public Response Parameters

Success Response

assessmentarray of stringsList of general risk assessments for the order.["The Location of IP address used to place the order"]
info[].titlestringThe title or name of the risk category."OpenAPI"
info[].describestringDetailed description of the risk, including the risk level and context.{"level":"high"}

Error Response

Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors and error. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.

errorsArray[ "file number error"]A list of errors encountered during the request processing.
errorString "store is not active"Indicates an error encountered during the process

Error Detail

Status CodeMessagePossible ReasonExample Response
400Bad RequestInvalid input format or request structure (e.g., missing required fields or incorrect data types).Bad Request
UnauthorizedThe request is missing valid authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid.Unauthorized
404Not Foundthe orderID is not found"Unable to find resource"
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