Get File Details

Retrieve detailed metadata and access information about a specific file using its unique file_uri. This endpoint is commonly used to fetch file properties, such as the name, size, type, and access URL.

The Get File Details API retrieves detailed metadata and access information about a specific file using its unique file_uri. This endpoint is commonly used to fetch file properties, such as the name, size, type, and access URL.

This API is especially useful for:

  1. Fetching specific file metadata for management purposes.
  2. Verifying file upload details and properties.
  3. Accessing the upload link for downloaded or shared files.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Path Parameters

Field Type Required Description Example
file_uri string Yes The unique identifier of the file. This must be a valid alphanumeric string representing the file's URL. 7ebb4faa8d92e1d627edf9ca61a98993.png

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters


Public Response Parameters

Success Response

Field Type Description Example
upload_link string Direct link to access the uploaded file.
file_uri string Unique identifier of the file. 7ebb4faa8d92e1d627edf9ca61a98993.png
folder string The folder where the file is stored. upload
size int File size in bytes. 6842
type string MIME type of the file. image/png
origin_link string The original link of the file if uploaded via URL. ""
desc string File description. ""
aspect_ratio string Aspect ratio of the file. "1.2500000"
width int Width of the file in pixels. 250
height int Height of the file in pixels. 200
created_at string Timestamp when the file was created. "2024-04-23T09:32:57.090041356+08:00"
updated_at string Timestamp when the file was last updated. "2024-04-23T09:32:57.090041356+08:00"

Error Response

Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors and error. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.

errorString "page not found"Indicates an error encountered during the process

Error Detail

ErrorCodeDescriptionPossible reasons
400Bad Request1. Backend status indicates failure
2.Invalid domain url or credentials
3.Missing or invalid data
404Not FoundMissing or invalid data
5. Response message parsing error

API Structure Overview

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