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Sales-Pop notifications are small, floating pop-ups designed to provide real-time information about recent customer activity.
The Get Salespop Config API retrieves the configuration details of the Sales notification feature for a specific store. This allows users to view and manage settings for the Salespop functionality.
This API is especially useful for:
- Reviewing Salespop display settings.
- Managing the active pages and scheduling for Salespop displays.
Request Parameters
Public Request Parameters
Response Explanation
Public Response Parameters
Success Response
Name | Type | Description | Example |
id | string | Unique identifier of the Salespop configuration. | d4a19441-664b-4dd6-986f-a549e81b034f |
store_id | string | ID of the store associated with this Salespop configuration. | 1965351 |
template_config | object | Object containing template configuration details. | {...} |
template_config.background_color | string | Background color of the Salespop notification. | rgba(243,106,106,0.49) |
template_config.template | string | Template type for the Salespop. | template1 |
template_config.title | string | Title text for the Salespop, with placeholders for dynamic values. | {Buyer's Name} in {City, Country} purchased |
template_config.replace_switch | boolean | Whether to replace placeholders with anonymity details when enabled. | false |
template_config.default_time | string | Default time duration for the Salespop. | 24 |
template_config.time_text | string | Text for the time displayed on the Salespop. | Recently |
template_config.anonymity_name | array | Array of names used for anonymity if enabled. | ["Someone"] |
template_config.anonymity_address | array | Array of addresses used for anonymity if enabled. | ["Somewhere"] |
template_config.anonymity_switch | boolean | Whether to enable anonymity for names and addresses. | false |
template_config.title_color | string | Color for the Salespop title text. | rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) |
template_config.product_color | string | Color for the product name text. | rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) |
template_config.time_color | string | Color for the time text. | rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) |
template_config.icon_color | string | Color for the icon displayed on the Salespop. | rgba(249,168,2,1) |
template_config.m_background_color | string | Mobile-specific background color for the Salespop. | rgba(0,0,0,0.8) |
first_delay | string | Delay before the first Salespop is displayed, in seconds. | 3 |
duration | string | Duration each Salespop is displayed, in seconds. | 5 |
interval | string | Interval between consecutive Salespops, in seconds. | 10 |
times_switch | string | Status of the times switch, determining max display times. | open |
max_times | string | Maximum number of times a Salespop can be displayed. | 10 |
loop_switch | string | Status of the loop switch, determining continuous display. | open |
locate | string | Location where the Salespop is displayed. | left_down |
pages | string | Comma-separated IDs of pages where the Salespop is active. | 1,36,37,38 |
specify_pages | array | Array of specific pages where the Salespop is active. | [] |
order_status | string | Order statuses included in Salespop displays. | all |
time | string | Time duration for order history inclusion in Salespops. | 1 |
time_unit | string | Unit of time for time field. | day |
status | string | Status of the Salespop configuration (open or close ). | open |
created_at | string | Timestamp when the Salespop configuration was created. | 2024-11-17 22:53:47 |
updated_at | string | Timestamp when the Salespop configuration was last updated. | 2024-11-17 22:53:47 |
pages_list | array | Array of objects providing details about pages where Salespops are active. | [{...}] | | int | Unique ID of the page. | 15 | | string | Name of the page. | 首页 |
pages_list.script | string | Script type of the page. | index |
Error Response
Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors
and error
. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.
Field | Type | Example | Description |
errors | Array | [ "invalid line_item id"] | A list of errors encountered during the request processing. |
Field | Type | Example | Description |
error | String | "store is not active" | Indicates an error encountered during the process |
Error Detail
Status Code | Message | Possible Reason | Example Response |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid input format or request structure (e.g., missing required fields or incorrect data types). | Bad Request |
Unauthorized | The request is missing valid authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid. | Unauthorized |