Order Count


The data returned by the list interface may not necessarily be consistent with the order data displayed by the store admin. The store admin will filter out orders with a status of canceled and those without a shipping address and more filters.


Requires read_order access scope. More access scope

Parameter NameTypeRequiredParameter ValueDescription
LineItemsArray of ObjectYthe List of Product
quantityintYQuantity of line item
shipping_address.first_namestringFirst name of consignee.
shipping_address.last_namestringYLast name of consignee.
shipping_address.phonestringPhone number, for example: +86 150 1447 1143
shipping_address.countrystringYCountry, for example: United States
shipping_address.country_codestringYCountry code, for example: US
shipping_address.provincestringProvince, for example: New Mexico
shipping_address.province_codeYProvince Code, for example: NM
shipping_address.citystringYCity, for example: SAN JOSE
shipping_address.addressstringYStreet address, for example: 1 Rue des Carrieres
shipping_address.address1stringApartment/floor/room number, for example: Suite 1234
shipping_address.zipstringZIP code, for example: 87036
shipping_address.companystringCompany, for example: ABC Limited
shipping_address.latitudestringLatitude of the delivery address, for example: 22.54
shipping_address.longitudestringLongitude of the delivery address, for example: 114.06
tagsarray of stringCustom labels
tax_totalstringYOrder tax, numeric string, for example: "9.99"
currency_codestringYe.g. "USD"
discountstringDiscount amount or percent for the order, discount amount cannot be greater than total price of line items, e.g. "10.00", "10%"
notestringNote of the order
payment_linestringPayment method of the order, If you fill in "COD" and the merchant switch on cod, it is cod payment method, else if the merchant switch off "cod" ,you fill in anything it will automatically fill in the default payment method configured by the merchant in the store's admin. if you create a completed payment order, where 'payment_line' refers to the final method of payment. if you create an unpaid order, where 'payment_line' is just a suggested method of payment, not the final method that goes through the checkout process.
shipping_lineObjectLogistics solutions
shipping_line.namestringYName of shipping line, for example: "Free Shipping"
shipping_line.shipping_pricestringYShipping price, numeric string, for example: "10.00", "0"
shipping_line.descstringDescription of shipping line
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