Order Details


Requires read_order access scope. More access scope

The Get Order Details API retrieves detailed information about a specific order based on its unique ID. This enables merchants to view all order-related data, including customer details, shipping and billing addresses, payment information, and purchased products.

This API is especially useful for:

  1. Tracking order details for fulfillment purposes.
  2. Verifying customer and payment information.
  3. Analyzing order data for reporting and auditing.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Path Parameters

idstringYesThe unique ID of the order.

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters


Public Response Parameters

Success Response

OrderidstringUnique identifier for the order.
numberstring Order number, intended to simplify merchant references.
notestringA custom note input by the merchant regarding the order.
statusstringThe current Order status
financial_statusstringIndicates the payment status of the order
fulfillment_statusstringRepresents the shipping or fulfillment progress of the order
email_statusstringThe status of recall emails for the order.
waiting means “pending to send”
send means “sent”
cancel_reasonstring Reason for order cancellation, if applicable.
recovery_statusstringThe recovery_status field tracks the progress of an order recall process
waiting means “Waiting to be recalled”
sending means “Recall notification in progress”
recalling means “Recall in progress)”
failed means “Recall failed)”
success means “Recall successful)”
payment_methodstringThe payment method used for the order (e.g., apple_pay, credit_card, online).
discount_applicationsstringDetails of discounts
customer_notestringA note provided by the customer during checkout.
buyer_accepts_marketingbool Indicates whether the customer has agreed to receive marketing promotions.
currencystring Currency code for the order
total_pricestringThe final price paid by the customer, including taxes, discounts, tips, additional fee and shipping fees.
sub_totalstringThe sum of the prices for all line items in the order.

- If order.config.product_tax_included is true, the amount includes total_tax (excluding shipping_tax_total); otherwise, it excludes tax.
- Formula: sub_total = sum(line_item.price * line_item.quantity).
total_discountstringTotal amount of discounts applied to the order, including product, shipping, and payment discounts.
total_taxstringTotal tax amount applied to the products in the order, excluding shipping tax.
total_shippingstringTotal shipping fee for the order.
code_discount_totalstringTotal discount from discount codes applied to the order.
line_item_discount_totalstring@Deprecated.total Product discount, numeric string, for example: "9.99",includes code_discount_total
gift_card_totalstringGift card discount amount, numeric string, for example: "9.99"
total_refund_pricestringTotal refund amount has been successfully processed, numeric string, for example: "9.99"
total_refund_discountstring@Deprecated.Total discount refunded, numeric string, for example: "9.99"
additional_totalstringTotal amount of additional charges, numeric string, for example: "9.99"
addtional_pricesarray of objectthe detail list of additional charges
addtional_prices.namestringName of the additional charge.
addtional_prices.pricestringAmount of the additional charge.
addtional_prices.fee_titlestringCustom Charge Name
shipping_tax_totalstringTotal shipping tax amount of the order.
customer_deleted_atstringTimestamp indicating when the customer associated with the order was deleted.
created_atstringTimestamp indicating when the order was created.
updated_atstringTimestamp indicating when the order was updated.
deleted_atstringTimestamp indicating when the order was deleted.
canceled_atstringTimestamp indicating when the order was canceled.
placed_atstringTimestamp indicating when the order was paid.
total_tip_receivedstringTotal amount of tips received for the order.
tagsstring Custom tags added to the order by merchants or the system.
browser_ipstring@Deprecated. IP address of the customer who placed the order.
last_landing_urlstring@Deprecated. URL of the last page visited by the customer before checkout.
total_paidstringTotal amount paid by the customer for the order.
sourcestring@Deprecated.Product source url
source_nameobject@Deprecated. Product source
source_name.datastring@Deprecated. Product source
source_name.created_atstring@Deprecated. Timestamp of the creation
last_referrer_showobject@Deprecated. Last interaction source
last_referrer_show.datastring@Deprecated. Interaction source data.
last_referrer_show.created_atstring@Deprecated. Timestamp of the last interaction.
shipping_lineobjectInformation about the shipping plan selected for the order.
shipping_line.namestringName of the shipping plan.
customerCustomerCustomer details
shipping_addressAddressDelivery address
billing_addressAddressBilling address
payment_linePaymentLinePayment details
line_itemsarray of LineItemList of purchased products
fulfillmentsarray of FulfillmentList of fulfillments
logistics_codestringLogistics code
refer_infostringVisit information
configOrderConfigOrder configuration information
sales_platformstring@Deprecated. Platform where the order was placed
checkout_urlstringThe checkout page url for the order with storeDomain
location_lineLocationLineMerchant's warehouse address.
invoice_urlstringThe checkout page url for the order without storeDomain
duty_totalstringTotal Duty Amount


The relationships between entities.

Error Response

Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors and error. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.

errorsArray[ "file number error"]A list of errors encountered during the request processing.
errorString "store is not active"Indicates an error encountered during the process

Error Detail

Status CodeMessagePossible ReasonExample Response
400Bad RequestInvalid input format or request structure (e.g., missing required fields or incorrect data types).Bad Request
UnauthorizedThe request is missing valid authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid.Unauthorized
404Not FoundOrder's ID is empty or not found."Unable to find resource"

API Structure Overview

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