Fulfillment List


Requires read_order access scope. More access scope

The Fulfillment List API retrieves a list of fulfillment records filtered by order ID, creation, and update time. This enables users to track the fulfillment status of products within an order.

This API is especially useful for:

  1. Fetching all fulfillments related to a specific order.
  2. Filtering fulfillments by creation or update timestamps.
  3. Tracking product-level fulfillment details, including shipping information.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Path Parameters

order_idstringYes633130-00000012The unique identifier of the order.

Query Parameters

limitint32250Maximum number of fulfillments returned per page (maximum: 250).
pageint321The page number to return.
created_at_minstring2016-01-18T23:41:00ZFilter fulfillments created at or after this date.
created_at_maxstring2016-01-18T23:41:00ZFilter fulfillments created at or before this date.
updated_at_minstring2016-01-18T23:41:00ZFilter fulfillments updated at or after this date.
updated_at_maxstring2016-01-18T23:41:00ZFilter fulfillments updated at or before this date.

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters


Public Response Parameters

Successful Response

Field Type Description Example
fulfillments array of objects List of fulfillments. -
fulfillments[].id string Unique ID of the fulfillment. 49a731b0 -1b7e-47c3-94d 9-6d688f36201e
fulfillments[].order_id string Associated order ID. 633130-00000012
fulfillments[].status string Status of the fulfillment (finished, pending). finished
fulfillments[].tracking_company string Name of the tracking company. 燕文物流
fulfillments[].tracking_number string Shipment tracking number. 11111111111
fulfillments[].tracking_company_code string Code of the tracking company. DJ-11343
fulfillments[].tracking_url string URL for tracking the shipment. https:// tracking.example.com
fulfillments[].created_at string Fulfillment creation time (ISO-8601). 2024-04-22T 06:58:01Z
fulfillments[].updated_at string Fulfillment last update time (ISO-8601). 2024-04-22T 07:00:57Z
fulfillments[].line_items array of objects List of line items included in this fulfillment. -
fulfillments[].line_items[].id string Unique ID of the line item. 7037bd0b-c b6b-453a-a93 6-b349d0c8bf5d
fulfillments[].line_items[].product_id string ID of the product. a1a88be0-a1d 4-47e4-a2f2-ba 6e131cf447
fulfillments[].line_items[].variant_id string ID of the product variant. 88e68830-4ef 5-4125-bf7d-aef8047176b2
fulfillments[].line_items[].variant_title string Title of the product variant. S-blue-T
fulfillments[].line_items[].product_title string Title of the product. shirt
fulfillments[].line_items[].product_handle string Handle of the product. shirt
fulfillments[].line_items[].quantity integer Quantity of the product fulfilled. 2
fulfillments[].line_items[].note string Additional note for the line item. ""
fulfillments[].line_items[].fulfillment_status string Fulfillment status for the line item. partially_returned
fulfillments[].line_items[].sku string SKU of the product. T-M-S-blue-T-A0 01004
fulfillments[].line_items[].weight_unit string Weight unit of the product. kg
fulfillments[].line_items[].vendor string Vendor of the product. shoplazza
fulfillments[].line_items[].product_url string URL of the product. /products/shirt
fulfillments[].line_items[].compare_at_price string Original compare-at price of the product. 97.00
fulfillments[].line_items[].image string Image URL of the product. //cdn.shoplazza. com/image.jpeg
fulfillments[].line_items[].price string Price per unit of the product. 81.00
fulfillments[].line_items[].total string Total price for the fulfilled quantity. 162.00
fulfillments[].line_items[].weight string Weight of the product. 1.10
fulfillments[].line_items[].properties array of objects Custom properties of the product. -
fulfillments[].line_items[].properties[].name string Name of the custom property. size
fulfillments[].line_items[].properties[].value string Value of the custom property. S
fulfillments[].line_items[].custom_properties object Custom properties provided as key-value pairs. {}
fulfillments[].line_items[].refund_quantity integer Quantity refunded for this line item. 0
fulfillments[].line_items[].refund_total string Total refund amount for the line item. 81.00
fulfillments[].line_items[].taxable boolean Indicates if the product is taxable. true
fulfillments[].line_items[].requires_shipping boolean Indicates if shipping is required. true
fulfillments[].line_items[].shipping_quantity integer Quantity shipped for this line item. 2

Error Response

Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors and error. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.

errorsArray[ "invalid line_item id"]A list of errors encountered during the request processing.
errorString "store is not active"Indicates an error encountered during the process

Error Detail

Status CodeMessagePossible ReasonExample Response
400Bad RequestInvalid input format or request structure (e.g., missing required fields or incorrect data types).Bad Request
UnauthorizedThe request is missing valid authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid.Unauthorized
422update_at_min time format errorThe update_at_min field is not in a valid time format.(e.g., not ISO8601).{"errors": ["update_at_min time format error"]}
update_at_max time format errorThe update_at_max field is not in a valid time format.(e.g., not ISO8601).{"errors": ["update_at_min time format error"]}
500no contextMissing Context{"errors": ["No context"]}
404provided order_id is not existingprovided order_id is not existing{"errors": ["Record not found"]}

API Structure Overview

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