Update Procurement


Requires write_product access scope. More access scope

The Update Procurement API allows updating the details of an existing procurement record, such as its supplier, note, or other properties. This enables users to modify procurement data efficiently.This API is especially useful for:

  1. Updating supplier or notes information for procurement records.
  2. Managing and tracking procurement details over time.
  3. Reviewing procurement notes and updates for auditing.

Request Parameters

Public Request Parameters


Public Request Parameters

Path Parameters

idstringYes382454149549138220The unique identifier of the procurement record to update.

Body Parameters

procurement.supplier_idstringNo"382453603865993516"The unique identifier of the supplier.
procurement.notestringNo"test note"Notes or additional details about the procurement.

Response Explanation

Public Response Parameters


Public Response Parameters

Success Response

Parameter Type Example Description
procurement.id string "382451985837728044" The unique identifier of the procurement.
procurement.procurement_sn string "00000002" The procurement serial number.
procurement.supplier_id string "382453603865993516" The unique identifier of the supplier associated with the procurement.
procurement.location_id string "190035786870033452" The unique identifier of the location associated with the procurement.
procurement.note string "teest note" Notes or additional details about the procurement.
procurement.state integer 4 The state of the procurement:
  • 1: Waiting for stock
  • 2: Partial receipt
  • 3: Complete receipt
  • 4: Cancelled
procurement.pending_quantity integer 0 The quantity of items still pending delivery.
procurement.received_quantity integer 0 The quantity of items received.
procurement.rejected_quantity integer 0 The quantity of items rejected.
procurement.transfer_quantity integer 0 The quantity of items transferred.
procurement.created_by string "" The user who created the procurement record.
procurement.created_at string "2024-05-21T08:47:39Z" The date and time when the procurement was created.
procurement.updated_at string "2024-05-21T09:59:29Z" The date and time when the procurement was last updated.

Error Response

Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors and error. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.

errorsArray["Supplier not found"]A list of errors encountered during the request processing.
errorArray"error": "store is not active"Indicates an error encountered during the process.

Error Details

Status CodeMessagePossible ReasonExample Response
400Bad RequestInvalid input format or request structure (e.g., missing required fields or incorrect data types).{ "errors": [ "invalid procurement_id"]}
UnauthorizedThe request is missing valid authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid.Unauthorized
422Invalid or empty supplier_idmissing required supplier_id or supplier_id with incorrect UUID types{ "errors": [ "Supplier not found"]}
supplier_id is not foundProvidedsupplier_id is not found{ "errors": [ "Supplier not found"]}
404procurement_id is not foundProvidedprocurement_id is not found{ "errors": [ "Procurement not found"]}

API Structure Overview

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